Would you like a few home business ideas that could change your life forever? This article describes home business ideas, and proves that it isn't to difficult to discover home business idea that you will love.
Copyright (c) 2007 Rebekah Mack Bono
We've all seen the ads for scams, schemes, and multi-level marketing. Most of those ideas just don't work. However, I have a few legitimate work at home opportunities, that, with a little research, can provide a great source of supplemental income.
Idea #1
Women love weddings - it's a proven fact. If you're one of "those" women - you know, the kind that get all excited about picking out dresses and coordinating flowers - why not put your enthusiasm to work? Consider opening your own business as a wedding consultant. You could help brides plan their special day, and make some cash doing something you enjoy. Get started by advertising your services in local bakeries and florists, as well as by word of mouth. Once business picks up, you can begin attending bridal fairs and shows to demonstrate your services. Before long, you'll have a booming consulting business!
Idea #2
If you're crafty, you've got a ready source of income at your fingertips. There's always a market for handcrafted items - school craft fairs, bazaars, farmers markets, craft shows, or local craft malls. If you're more technically savvy, consider sites like www.etsy.com, that allow you to set up an online store to sell your handmade wares. Etsy takes a small portion of the money you earn, and in turn gives you an online store front, url, and photo hosting. They're becoming quite popular in the work at home world, so if you're considering selling online, give them a try.
Idea #3
Do you love to shop? I thought so! However, believe it or not, there are women who don't, or who are just too busy to shop for themselves. You can help them out by hiring yourself out as a personal shopper. List your services by the hour in your local paper, and you'll have customers beating down your door - especially around the holidays! Customers will provide you with a list of their sizes and specifications, and you'll do the shopping, errand running, or returning for them. Consider offering a return service after the holidays to really cash in on this busy season. No one likes to stand in line - but you can do it...for a price!
Idea #4
If you've got a digital camera and some basic computer skills, you can run your own eBay business. Hundreds of work at home moms make a decent living off of eBay every year, selling thrift store clothing and other items. Raid yard sales, dime stores, and your local thrift store for inventory, and then start selling items at a markup. Before you know it , you'll have a profitable eBay business. You could also tie this in with idea # 2, and sell your craft items on eBay as well. There are many guides available for free on eBay, as well as elsewhere on the internet, explaining how to get started running this type of lucrative business.
There are four in-demand work at home business ideas for moms. Now, what's stopping you? Get started with your research today! Before you know it, you'll be a full-fledged work at home mom!
Article Tags: Home Business Ideas, Home Business, Business Ideas, Home Moms, You'll Have