mens bedroom decorating ideas

mens bedroom decorating ideas

what's up guys! my name is brock, you'rewatching the modest man. today we're talking about how to travel in comfortand style. alright there's a lot of advice out there on the internet aboutwhat you should wear while you're traveling especially when you're flyingand navigating the airport and a lot of people think that you should dress upwhen you travel. i've even heard people say they usually wear a suit and if youwear a suit that you know you might get upgraded to a first-class seat for free.well i don't know about that. when i'm traveling, my number one priority iscomfort and you know i want to feel good. i want to be comfortable throughout theentire experience. i want to get through

the airport quickly and if i can lookgood while i'm doing that, that's great. that's a bonus. i don't think you shouldhave to look like don draper on a flight from la to new yorksitting first-class you know but i think you also shouldn't look like the collegekid flying over spring break. the thing is when i'm at the airport more oftenthan not most of the guys i see look more like the college kid. you know i seeguys wearing and gym shorts and sweatpants carrying backpacks wearingbaseball caps and you know flip-flops. i think that's not acceptable you know. ithink if you want to look good and you you care about your appearance, you careabout the impression you making on other

people i think you should try to step itup. i think there's a sweet spot between don draper and college kid that youshould be aiming for. my go-to getup is casual pants jeans or chinos comfortableshirt not a t-shirt but like a polo or a button-up, couple of nice accessories andsome handsome luggage. just with that getup, i'm already a couple of notchesabove most of the other guys the airport in terms of style. so if you're like meand you care first and foremost about comfort but you also want to look goodwhile you're traveling pay attention to these five tips. tip number one,accessorize. if you're going to be comfortable and you're going to bewearing a relatively simple outfit like

jeans and a polo shirt or something likethat the best way to spruce up an outfit that could otherwise be kind of boringis to add a couple of cool tasteful accessories and in my opinion the bestaccessory for traveling is a wristwatch. now watches are great for two reasons:first of all if you're wearing especially a watch that is unique peopleare going to notice it. they're going to comment on it. so for example, this watchfrom original grain is very unique because it's got this really thin woodenbezel. it's made from all-natural wood so it's one-of-a-kind because no two piecesof wood are the same that's got italian leather band japanese quartz movement. ilike their minimalist collection because

unlike a lot of wooden watches it'ssleek low-profile, really thin, really subtle. it's not like all chunky andoversized. it's a great watch for a great price and you can get a special check the description for more info. the second reason i love wearing watchesis they're just so practical. so when you're flying, oftentimes you're crossingtime zones. you're flying into a different time zone, your phone doesn'twork when you're 30,000 feet up and it can take a while to update to the newtime zone. so what i like to do is right when i sit down on the plane i set mywatch to the new time zone or to the time of the place that i'm flying to andthat way when i'm up in the air if

there's any delays or if anythinghappens i always know what time it is at my destination. now, if you're thinking, "ohwell if i wear a watch or belts or any other accessory it's just one more thingto deal with during the security line!" i hear you, but let's be honest it's notthat hard just take off your watch, put it in a little bin and then put it backon. so tip number one, accessorize. tip number two, no t-shirts. now listen, i'mnot saying a high quality, fitted v-neck can't be a good look while you'retraveling. i just prefer to step it up one notch in terms of style andformality with a polo shirt or a fitted casual button-up like this one poloshirts and button-up shirts are just as

comfortable as tee shirts but they justlook a little more polished and thoughtful. so skip the graphic tees, skipthe old baggy t-shirts, throw on a polo shirt or a casual button-up. tip numberthree, no shorts. okay, shorts are inherently very, very casual and in my opinionthey're too casual for travel especially for airline travel. now listen, if you'reisland hopping around the caribbean flying on those tiny 12-seater planes finewear shorts and a hawaiian shirt. but if you'retraveling, you know, like most of us do just domestically or internationally,whatever, wear pants. pants are gonna look better. i think they're a lot morecomfortable if you're sitting on one of

those airline seats for hours. they alsooffer full coverage on your legs because sometimes it can get oddly cold on anairplane. so tip number three, skip the shorts, wear pants. tip number four, easyon and off shoes. so i'm talking about loafers, boat shoes, chelsea boots orsneakers that are easy to slip on and off without untying and then tying if you want to wear these shoes, they're easy to get on and off because obviouslyit makes the security line a lot less stressful and more streamlined for youespecially if it's crowded. a little pro tip, what i like to do especially if it'sthe summertime and it's really hot. i like to do the no sock look but i don'tactually want to wear no socks because i

don't want to stand barefoot in thatsecurity line waiting to go to the body scanner. so i recommend wearing no-showsocks that way you can still achieve the sock-less look and show some ankle butyour feet will be covered and protected. so tip number four, easy on and off shoes.tip number five, get some decent luggage. i'm not talking about designer stuff. itdoesn't have to be expensive but don't carry a backpack or your gym bag aroundthe airport. so what i usually do is i have a large carry-on which is like aroller and then i have like a messenger bag that i can keep my laptop in andeverything else that i want to actually have access to on the plane, in my seat.some snacks, headphones, an extra

charger, kindle and stuff like that. you knowin my opinion it makes sense to spend a little money on luggage and invest insomething high-quality. it's going to last a lot longer, it's going to beeasier to use, the handle won't get jammed up, the zipper won't break, itwon't get damaged when it's getting tossed around by security and theluggage handlers because you better believe they're not handling any of thosebags gently. so tip number five, invest in some decent luggage. and a quick bonustip, give yourself plenty of time when you're flying. you know we've all beenthere. where you're running to your gate, you know, you're sweating through yourclothes, you're stressed out. it's not a

good look. it doesn't feel give yourself plenty of time at the airport and you know it's not that badif you show up an hour early. you have an hour to kill, get some work done on yourlaptop. you know call someone you haven't talked to in a while or just get acoffee, get a beer and just people watch. but it's much better to have a littlebit of extra time at the airport than to have not enough time. so i hope thesetips help you travel in comfort and style. big thanks again to original grainfor sponsoring this video. go check out their watches, there's a link down in thedescription and if you have any questions or comments about any of thisplease leave a comment down below. and until

next time, stay stylish!

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